
The Longest Stay Diary - Week March 7th
The Longest Stay Diary - Week March 7th

For those that know me, when I haven't published a diary for a while, you may imagine the following: I have been hit by a car, I am stranded, or I simply have no internet access. This is what one would think. But in all honesty that wasn't the case, I will totally admit that I was on holiday at the famous Disney World. Don't laugh too hard. I even liked it. At times it felt like I was stranded, surrounded by a truly unusual environment and well out of my element. Even in Disney all I did was either critique the enormous amount of yellow food, how the rides were even designed and the interiors of spaces and hotels. I can never leave the world of design even if it feels like I am supposed to. I took more photos of interiors than family photos and even got into the detail of how much money was spent on a Harry Potter ride which had such an impressive design and virtual reality experience.  However, I do remember texting as I jumped onto Space Mountain and bringing a portable charger for my phone to receive and send emails, which I did constantly. One never really switches off no matter how hard we try.
